Glossary of terms



                  1. Strapping                     

  Equivalent in french 

1. Frapper

Word in a sentence

1. « Strapping has never been a solution to correct mischievous children. »


2. Adjoining 

Equivalent in French 

2. Adjacent 

Word in a sentence 

 «The party, centered in Room 341, actually embraced the two adjoining rooms as well.»                                                                                         


3. Rebounded 

Equivalent in French 

3. Rebondi 

Word in a sentence 

3. «Mr Coldwell strapped from an angle so that the tongue curled around your hand and rebounded hard on the wrist.»


4. Stupor

Equivalent in French

4. État d’inertie et d’insensibilité profondes

Word in a sentence

4. « He wept bitterly before he sank into a stupor again. 


5. Shmo

Equivalent in French

5. Une personne stupide

Word in a sentence 

5. « I’m not exactly the kind of shmo who opens a candy store, you know. »


6. Chambermaid

Equivalent in French 

6. Femme de chambre 

Word in a sentence

6. « How? On a chambermaid’s salary? I’m looking after Virgie. » 


7. Disused

Equivalent in French

7. Quelque chose que l'on utilise plus.

Word in a sentence

7. They walked on some disused tracks.


8. Idle

Equivalent in French

8. Inactif

Word in a sentence

8. Duddy was idle while he was waiting for his father.


9. Budge

Equivalent in French

9. Bouger

Word in a sentence

9.  Duddy wouldn't budge.


10. Loitered

Equivalent in French

10. Flâner

Word in a sentence

He loitered longer than an hour  in Hillel House before he saw a familiar face.


11. Assimilationist

Equivalent in French

11. Assimilationniste

Word in a sentence 

11. He’s become an assimilationist.


12. Flighty

Equivalent in French 

12. Frivole, aguicheuse

Word in a sentence 

12. She’s flighty
